Since 2016 Filodiritto Editore has published Proceedings and Journals about all subjects, both in electronic format (e-book and e-journals) and in printed volumes, and offered services such as: graphic design consultancy, cover proposals, professional page layout, editing and drafts, indexing, DOI, ISPN.
The site of the Filodiritto Proceedings Division is officially born. At the moment, we have been appointed to publish 19 conference proceedings (two of which have already been published) and 3 journals.
Successfully increase of publications to 21 congress proceedings, all in the process of being evaluated by Clarivate Analytics (some of them already indexed). Furthermore, we started working on 2 more conferences. In addition to the “International Review” we also collaborated with Prof. Dr. Mirjana Radovic-Markovic on the publication of the “Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business Resilience – JEBR” (Prof. Dr. Marko Caric, Director of the University Business Academy of Novi Sad – Serbia). We also began to collaborate with Prof. Domagoj Cingula on the publication of the “Journal of Economic and Social Development – JESD” (VADEA d.o.o. – Croatia).
We have increased our publications to 17 congress proceedings, all of them indexed by Thomson Reuters-ISI-Clarivate Analytics. Further, we began a collaboration with Prof. Dr. Mirjana Radovic-Markovic (Faculty of Business Economy and Entrepreneurship, Belgrade, Serbia) on the publication of the journal “International Review”, later accepted in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (Web of Science).
The Filodiritto Proceedings division is born, publishing 8 conference proceedings. All were indexed by Thomson Reuters-ISI.