Degree in Medicine and Surgery (University of Milano, 1980)
Apprenticeship in Dentistry (University of Parma, 1980-81)
Specialization in Interceptive Orthodontics (University of Pavia, 1995)
Specialization in TMJ diseases (University of Milano, 2000)
Specialization in Laser Dentistry (University of Firenze, 2002)
Diplome Universitaire in Oral Laser Application (University of Nice, 2005)
European Master Degree Oral Laser Applications (University of Nice, 2008)
Qualification Associate Professor (Roma, 2014)
PhD in “Information Engineering” (University of Parma, 2018)
Qualification Full Professor (Roma, 2019)
AUR: Attaché Universitaire de Recherche (University of Nice, from 2005)
Coordinator EMDOLA Master (University of Nice, from 2005 to 2014)
Adjunt Professor, Dental School (University of Parma from 2005 to 2015)
Coordinator EMDOLA Master (University of Parma from dal 2005 to 2015)
Coordinator Post-graduate Course “Laser and Dentistry” (University of Parma, 2014)
Teacher Post-graduate Course in Pedodontics (University of Udine, 2007)
Teacher Post-graduate Course in Aesthetic Medicine in Dentistry (University of Torino, 2014)
Teacher EMDOLA Master (Universities of Parma, Nizza, Roma Sapienza, Barcellona, Liegi from 2005 to 2015)
Researcher of the Group of Applied Electromagnetics, Department of Engineering and Architecture (University of Parma, from 2014)
Teacher course “Advanced Photonics” Degree in Communication Engineering, (2014-2021)
Teacher DIU (Diplome inter-Universitaire) “Laser Applications” (Universities of Nice and Bordeaux from 2015)
Visiting Professor University of Vilnius (Lituania) 2013
Visiting Professor Universidad Nacional de la Plata (Argentina) 2014
Visiting Professor Shijiazhuang 2ND University Hospital (China) 2018
Adjunt Professor, e-Campus University, Novedrate, Italy (2020)
Past President IPTA (International PhotoTherapy Association)
Vice President SILO (Italian society for Laser in Dentistry) (2015-2018)
Treasurer WFLD (World Federation for Laser in Dentistry) (2010-2012)
Treasurer IALMS (International Academy of Laser in Medicine and Surgery)
Cultural Secretary of LEAD (Laser Excellence Academy of Dentistry)
Secretair CENALOS (French society for Laser in Dentistry)
Contributor volume “Les Lasers en Odontologie” of JP Rocca edit. CdP, Paris (2008)
Contributor volume “Osteonecrosi dei mascellari e bifosfonati” di P. Vescovi edit. Tecniche nuove Milano (2008)
Contributor volume “Chirurgia Odontostomatologica” Edizioni Minerva Medica (2015)
Co-Author volume “Laser Welding” edit. Sciyo Int (2010)
Author Volume “Oral Laserology” Ediz. EdLearning-Editografica , Bologna (2015)
Contributor volume “Manuale di Odontoiatria Speciale” EDRA Editore, Milano (2019)
Associate Editor of the journal “Lasers in Medical Science”
Co-Editor-in-Chief of the journal “Laser Therapy “
Scientific Advisor of the Journal “Ortho” (Germania)
Member of the Board of the journals:
World Journal of Methodology (USA)
Open Journal of Stomatology (USA)
Journal of Oral Health and Research (India)
Journal of Laser and Health (Slovenia)
Journal of Dentists (USA)
International Journal of Stomatological Research (USA)
International Journal of Oral and Craniofacial Science (India)
Journal of Oral Science & Rehabilitation (Germany)
Author of more than 200 papers (94 indexed in Pubmed)