Giuseppe Violetta

Dott. Giuseppe Violetta

Responsabile WM – Patrimoni e Imprese Familiari

Vittorio Emanuele Falsitta & Partners SPA – Società tra Avvocati


Dottore Commercialista presso l’Ordine di Como, è Full Member della Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners di Londra. È Docente e membro della Academy del Master in Family Office presso AIFO (Ministero Sviluppo Economico), abilitato al Registro dei Professionisti Accreditati presso l’Associazione Il Trust in Italia, nonché socio dell’Associazione Nazionale Consulenti Patrimoniali (ANCP). Nella professione si occupa di Trust e istituti di gestione e detenzione di patrimoni e imprese familiari da un punto di vista legale e fiscale (Wealth Management).

Tax Advisor and Certified Chartered Accountant, he is a Full Member of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners in London. He is a Lecturer and member of the Academy of the Master in Family Office at AIFO (Ministry of Economic Development), qualified for the Register of Accredited Professionals at the "Il Trust in Italia" Association , as well as a member of the National Association of Wealth Consultants (ANCP). He deals with Trusts and holding structures for family assets and family businesses from a legal and fiscal standpoint (Wealth Management).

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