Diritto / Enforcing the AI Act: Safeguarding Fundamental Rights in the Age of Artificial Intelligence The AI Act, introduced by the European Union (EU), aims to regulate the development and deployment of artificial intelligence systems across member states
Economia / Sustainability of military spending in EU and NATO member countries A presentation of the orrelation between military spending and economic growth in the euro atlantic structures.
Economia / Policy and process of territorial expansion of european union The historical process of the occurrence and development of European Union: political aspects and the impac of EU expansion.
Diritto / The impact of eu legislation, principles and case law on the national contaminated land regimes Terza e ultima parte dell'articolo sull'impatto della legislazione europea sulle nazioni.
Diritto / The impact of eu legislation, principles and case law on the national contaminated land regimes Seconda parte dell'articolo del team di autori già noto sull'impatto della legislazione europea sulle nazioni.
Diritto / The impact of eu legislation, principles and case law on the national contaminated land regimes Prima parte di un contributo sull'impatto della legislazione europea sulle nazioni.
Economia / The Impact of the Intermodal Transport Infrastructure Connectivity on Foreign Direct Investment in the European Union The presence of intermodal nodes provides the attractiveness to investors, contributing the economic and territorial divergence in EU.
Economia / The Review of Health System of the Kingdom of Denmark and United Kingdom The paper explores how health systems developed in Denmark and in the United Kingdom and the strategies through which they could be improved.