

The Image of Refugee in the Migration Crisis Context in Media


Contributo selezionato da Filodiritto tra quelli pubblicati nei Proceedings “5th ACADEMOS Conference 2018”

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Contribution selected by Filodiritto among those published in the Proceedings “5th ACADEMOS Conference 2018”

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Nikola Šimuneková, Valeriu Mosneaga 

University of Ss. Cyrilius and Methodius in Trnava, Faculty of Social Science, Department of political Science, Bučianska 4/A, Trnava 917 01 Trnava (SLOVAKIA)



European union for the last years faces many kinds of Crisis and Challenges, which strongly reflected political and social conditions in each member state. Otherwise it is not even a long- term mediated topic of the migration crisis. One of the goals of this paper is to point out and emulate the image of the migration crisis in the media in the conditions of the Czech Republic.

Migration has long been a neutral concept for countries with economic reasons, so the issue of migration also appears to be a political issue where the migrants are perceived as a problem and society refuse to accept them because of individual prejudices against migrants. However, the issue of migration is a very broad topic that is viewed through a number of dimensions such as economic, security, cultural or religious. In the long run, the biggest problem was the economic dimension, which was a concern about the loss of domestic work or the risk of wage cuts. Migration trends and their changes can be easily seen through discourse and their gradual change based on political and social conditions, where discourse is understood to be the constitution of social practice as such.

The timeliness of the migration issue for 2015 and 2016 has grown considerably, not only in political discourse, but has also become one of the company’s priorities. According to the Eurobarometer results of 2015, the V4 countries are turning to the tentative statistics on the perception of migration issues. They considered it the second most important issue in the EU right after unemployment. A very negative impact on the perception of the current migration issue has been attributed to quota redistribution, terrorist attacks and serious crime. These factors hurt the negative light towards migration as such, and the media only contribute.


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