

A rare case of Ocular Surface Squamous Carcinoma

Ocular Surface Squamous Carcinoma
Ocular Surface Squamous Carcinoma



This article presents a retrospective clinical case of an invasive keratinized squamous cell conjunctival carcinoma and the therapeutic attitude. A male patient, who has at his left eye a rapidly onset of a conjunctival tumor localized at temporal limbus, white colored, with feeder vessel, fixed with corneal invasion which causes ocular discomfort, epiphora and lagophthalmia.


After ophthalmological investigation, the patient was successfully surgically treated. Histopathological exam of the operatory piece reveals the final diagnosis of conjunctival

squamous cell-carcinoma moderate differentiated. The short-term prognosis is favorable, but the long-term prognosis could be severe due to the high possibility of tumoral recurrence.


The histopathological exam was the gold standard for the positive diagnosis.


The Authors:

STEFANUT Claudia [1]

SCOROBEŢ Corina [1]

CRISAN Doinita [2]

[1] Ophthalmology Clinic, Emergency Hospital Cluj – Napoca, (ROMANIA)

[2] University of Medicine and Pharmacy Iuliu Hatieganu, Department of Morphopatology Cluj-Napoca, (ROMANIA)


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